Subject Verb Agreement Rules, Examples and Exercises


Subject Verb Agreement Rules


Subject Verb Agreement Rules, Exercise, Examples in Hindi for Class 9 and 10 (Also see video Explanation)


Subject Verb Agreement means that the number and person of the subject must agree with the verb in any given sentence. This agreement of the subject and the verb is called Concord. There are certain rules for this agreement.


Subject-Verb Agreement Rules


Subject Verb Agreement Rule 1

The third person singular form of verbs in the simple present tense is formed by adding ‘s/es’ to the root form of third person plural. We can use this rule in the below-mentioned format.

He/ She/ Common Nouns/ Proper Nouns + verb (base form) with s/es at the end + object (optional)

Few examples of Rule 1 are:

1) A cow eats hay.

एक गाय घास खाती है।

2) She goes for a walk daily.

वह रोजाना टहलने जाती है।

3) My father does not smoke.

मेरे पिता धूम्रपान नहीं करते हैं।

4) Does he drink tea?

क्या वह चाय पीता है?

5) My friends do not drink.

मेरे दोस्त नहीं पीते।





Subject Verb Agreement Rule 2

The second rule for concord is that the subject ‘one of + plural noun’ is singular and the verb along with it is also singular.

Few examples of Rule 2 are:

1) One of my friends lives in Dehradun.

मेरे एक मित्र देहरादून में रहते हैं।

2) One of my uncles plays golf.

मेरा एक चाचा गोल्फ खेलता है।

3) One of my aunts is a minister.

मेरी एक चाची मंत्री हैं।

4) One of my relatives stays in London.

मेरा एक रिश्तेदार लंदन में रहता है।

5) One of her uncles is a pilot.

उसका एक चाचा पायलट है।




Subject Verb Agreement Rule 3

The third rule is that when the subject and the verb are separated by a clause or a long phrase, the verb must agree with the actual subject.

Few examples of Rule 3 are:

1) The aunt, who is irritated today, is usually very good.

चाची, जो आज चिढ़ी हुई है, आमतौर पर बहुत अच्छी होती है।

2) All the songs that she recorded on the computer are good.

कंप्यूटर पर उसके द्वारा रिकॉर्ड किए गए सभी गाने अच्छे हैं।

3)The gift which the mother gave her children is very good.

माँ ने अपने बच्चों को जो उपहार दिया वह बहुत अच्छा है।

4) The milk that father had brought in the morning is now spoilt.

पिता सुबह जो दूध लाए थे वह अब खराब हो गया है।

5) My dog that used to stay happy earlier is now irritated.

मेरा कुत्ता जो पहले खुश रहता था अब चिढ़ गया है।


Subject Verb Agreement Rule 4

The fourth rule says that when a subject is made up of two or more nouns joined by ‘and’, the verb to be attached along should be plural. But if two of them join to form a compound name of one thing, then the verb given along remains singular.

Few examples of Rule 4 are:

1) Sugar and spice are found at the grocery store.

किराने की दुकान पर चीनी और मसाला पाया जाता है।

2) Lemon and honey taken in water are said to be good for skin.

पानी में लिया गया नींबू और शहद त्वचा के लिए अच्छा माना जाता है।

3) Dogs and cats are supposed to be enemies.

कुत्तों और बिल्लियों को दुश्मन माना जाता है।

4) Forks and knives are kept in the drawer.

दराज में चाकू और चाकू रखे जाते हैं।

5) Water and ice are two different forms of water.

पानी और बर्फ पानी के दो अलग-अलग रूप हैं।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 5

The fifth rule states that when two subjects are joined together by ‘as well as’, ‘with’, ‘in addition to’, ‘and not’ , the verb attached along is chosen according to the first subject.

Few examples of Rule 5 are:

1) My friends as well as I are going to give the practical.

मेरे दोस्त और मैं इम्तेहान देने जा रहे हैं ।

2) He with his servants is in police custody.

वह अपने नौकरों के साथ पुलिस हिरासत में है।

3) Green and not black is a better colour.

हरा काले से बेहतर रंग है।

4) Mr. Batra as well as his sons is a fraudster.

श्री बत्रा के साथ-साथ उनके बेटे भी धोखेबाज हैं

5) The murderer as well as the thieves is under trials.

कातिल के साथ-साथ चोर भी परीक्षण के अधीन है।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 6

The sixth rule states that the words such as each, every, either, neither and ‘many a’ are followed by a singular verb.

Few examples of Rule 6 are:

1) Either of the two girls is lying.

दोनों लड़कियों में से कोई एक झूठ बोल रही है।

2) Neither of the five boys is eating.

पाँचों लड़कों में से कोई भी नहीं खा रहा है।

3) Each of the girls was given a cash prize.

प्रत्येक लड़कियों को नकद पुरस्कार दिया गया।

4) Many a times it is the culprit who runs.

काफी बार जो भाग रहा होता है, वही गलत होता है।

5) Every child is god gifted.

हर बच्चे को भगवान का उपहार दिया जाता है।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 7

This rule states that if two or more subjects in a sentence are joined by words like ‘or’, ‘nor’, ‘either____ neither____ nor’, and ‘not only____ but also’ then the verb is chosen according to the subject nearest to the verb. If one of the verbs in the sentence is plural then it should be placed near to the verb and the verb must agree with it.

Few examples of Rule 7 are:

1) Either he or I am going to face the consequences.

या तो वह या मैं परिणामों का सामना करने जा रहा हूं।

2) Neither you nor she is to blame.

न तो आप और न ही वह दोषी है।

3) Either she or I am to do it.

या तो वह या मैं यह कर रहा हूँ।

4) Neither the owner nor his sons come to the office anymore.

न तो मालिक और न ही उनके बेटे अब कार्यालय आते हैं।

5) Not only she but also her family have gone to London.

न केवल वह बल्कि उसका परिवार भी लंदन गया है।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 8

This rule says that the word ‘none’ will take a verb according to the sense of the sentence. It might be singular or plural depending upon the sentence.

Few examples of Rule 8 are:

1) None of the students were in the class.

कोई भी छात्र कक्षा में नहीं था ।

2) I asked for a maid, but none was there.

मैंने एक नौकरानी के लिए कहा, लेकिन कोई नहीं थी ।

3) None of them wanted to go out for a dinner.

उनमें से कोई भी रात के खाने के लिए बाहर नहीं जाना चाहता था।

4) All of the students cleared the exam, none of them failed.

सभी छात्रों ने परीक्षा पास कर ली, उनमें से कोई भी असफल नहीं हुआ।

5) None of the thieves were caught.

कोई भी चोर नहीं पकड़ा गया।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 9

The ninth rule of subject verb agreement says that when distances, weights or amounts represent a single unit or a fixed quantity, they are treated as singular and the verb attached along is also singular.

Few examples of Rule 9 are:

1) Five hundred rupees is not much money these days.

पांच सौ रुपये इन दिनों ज्यादा पैसा नहीं है।

2) Hundred kilometers is a very long distance.

सौ किलोमीटर की दूरी बहुत लंबी है।

3) Four kilograms of chicken is enough for the party.

पार्टी के लिए चार किलोग्राम चिकन पर्याप्त है।

4) He dropped his Rs.2000 on the road.

उसने अपना 2000 रु सड़क पर गिरा दिए ।

5) Delhi is 250 Kilometers from Chandigarh.

दिल्ली चंडीगढ़ से 250 किलोमीटर दूर है।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 10

The tenth rule is that collective nouns such as ‘group’, ‘herd’, ‘team’, etc. are considered singular when taken as one body and the verb attached to them is also singular but when the members of the group are considered individually then they are considered plural and the verb attached is also plural.

Few examples of Rule 10 are:

1) A group of workers was on strike.

श्रमिकों का एक समूह हड़ताल पर था।

2) The committee is not resolved upon this reform.

समिति इस सुधार पर हल नहीं है।

3) The team of players is ready for a match.

खिलाड़ियों की टीम एक मैच के लिए तैयार है।

4) A group of employees was not happy with the boss.

कर्मचारी का एक समूह बॉस से खुश नहीं था।

5) The group of children has gone out for a movie.

बच्चों का समूह एक फिल्म के लिए बाहर गया है।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 11

Uncountable nouns such as furniture, sugar, rice, equipment, etc. are considered singular subjects and get singular verb attached to them.

Few examples of Rule 11 are:

1) The furniture in his room is very old.

उनके कमरे का फर्नीचर बहुत पुराना है।

2) The stationery is not sufficient for everyone.

स्टेशनरी सभी के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है।

3) The equipment is still on the way.

उपकरण अभी भी रास्ते में है।

4) The luggage is missing from the flight.

फ्लाइट से सामान गायब है।

5) The weather is going to be pleasant today.

आज मौसम सुहाना होने वाला है।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 12

The twelfth rule states that the nouns like amends, archives, compasses, glasses, trousers are always considered plural and the verb attached along is also plural. But, when used with ‘a pair of’ they are considered to be singular. Then the verb form attached along also becomes singular.

Few examples of Rule 12 are:

1) A pair of jeans is lying on the ground.

एक जोड़ी जींस जमीन पर पड़ी है।

2) Scissors are blunt.

कैंची कुंद है।

3) You need a pair of trousers.

आपको पतलून की एक जोड़ी की आवश्यकता है।

4) I lost a pair of glasses.

मैंने चश्मे की एक जोड़ी खो दी।

5) The scissors are sharp.
कैंची तेज़ है

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 13

This rule states that phrases like a lot of, a great deal of, plenty of, some of are considered to be singular when refering to amount or quantity but are considered plural when they refer to number so the verb to be attached is also chosen accordingly.

Few examples of Rule 13 are:

1) A lot of money is required to start a new business these days.

इन दिनों एक नया व्यवसाय शुरू करने के लिए बहुत धन की आवश्यकता होती है।

2) A lot of money is wasted on election campaign these days.

इन दिनों चुनाव प्रचार पर बहुत पैसा बर्बाद हो रहा है।

3) A lot of students are asking for the results.

बहुत सारे छात्र परिणाम के लिए पूछ रहे हैं।

4) There is plenty of scope for betterment.

बेहतरी की बहुत गुंजाइश है।

5) There are plenty of songs on that tape.

उस टेप पर बहुत सारे गाने हैं।

Subject Verb Agreement Rule 14

The last rule for the subject-verb agreement states that nouns like news, physics, measles, ethics are although plural by name but are considered to be singular when used in a sentence.

Few examples of Rule 14 are:

1) Cancer is a very common disease these days.

कैंसर इन दिनों एक बहुत ही आम बीमारी है।

2) Physics is mostly loved by sudents.

भौतिक विज्ञान ज्यादातर सूदियों से प्यार करता है।

3) Every parent teaches their child some basic family ethics

हर माता-पिता अपने बच्चे को कुछ बुनियादी पारिवारिक नैतिकता सिखाते हैं

4) According to the news, it is going to be the hardest hitting earthquake.

खबरों के अनुसार यह भूकंप का सबसे कठिन मार है।

5) Measles is now curable by getting timely vaccines.

खसरा अब समय पर टीके लगने से ठीक हो जाता है।

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Subject Verb Agreement Exercise

Choose the right form of verb from the given options:

1) The pots on the table is/ are beautiful.

2) The detectives are/ is investigating the case.

3) One of the diamonds was/ were stolen.

4) A number of videos have/ has been deleted from the phone.

5) Two hundred rupees seem/ seems a fair price for 2 bricks of ice cream.

6) None of these flowers grow/ grows well inside the house.

7) Not everyone want/ wants to learn more and more.

8) Neither of these printers work/ works properly.

9) Each of the employes is/ are going to get a trip as a gift.

10) Bread and eggs is/ are my favourite.

11) The style and colour of trouser are/ is best for you.

12) One of you has/ have to take the responsibility of the kid.

13) What does/ do a pair of jeans cost?

14) Dont you think oil in America cost/ costs much less than in India.

15) Nine and nine make/ makes eighteen.



1) Are

2) Are

3) Was

4) Have

5) Seems

6) Grows

7) Wants

8) Work

9) Is

10) is

11) are

12) Has

13) Does

14) Costs

15) Makes

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