Fy Suffix – Meaning, words with Suffix Fy

Fy suffix meaning

The suffix "Fy" means ‘to make’ , ‘cause to be’ , ‘to become’ .


Words with the suffix ‘Fy’

Here are a few commonly used words which have suffix Fy. The meanings of the words are also given for the convenience of students.

  1. Dignity + fy = Dignify. Make something seem worthy and impressive
  2. Test + fy = Testify. Give evidence as a witness in a law court
  3. Diversity + fy = diversify. Make or become more diverse or varied
  4. Intense + fy = Intensify. Become or make more intense
  5. Person + fy = Personify. Represent a figure in human form
  6. Null + fy = nullify. Make legally null and void; invalidate
  7. Mod + fy = modify. Make partial or minor changes to something
  8. Identity + fy = identify. Establish or indicate who or what something or someone is
  9. Just + fy = justify. Show or prove to be right or reasonable


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