Jauhar National Fellowship 2017
Mohammad Ali Jauhar University invites applications for the Jauhar National Fellowship 2017 from the meritorious Muslim minority students. The students should be studying in any stream of Undergraduate or Postgraduate Program of the enlisted university
The objective of this fellowship is to motivate meritorious students, who belong to the financially very poor section of the society, to perform better.
Also See : Scholarships 2019
Scholarship Awards
Jauhar National Fellowship includes a certificate of excellence and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 (Rupees Ten Thousand).
Candidates selected for the Fellowship will be provided II class sleeper train fare from their institution of study to Mohammad Ali Jauhar University, Rampur and back, to attend the Jauhar Day celebration on December 10.
In order to be eligible, an applicant must –
Be a Muslim minority student
Be studying in any stream of Undergraduate or Postgraduate Program from the university enlisted under section 2 (f) and Section 3 of UGC Act 1956 and its affiliated colleges.
The form given here has to be downloaded and filled by the candidate and nominated by the host institute.
The form to be filled by the candidates and get nominated by the host institute may be downloaded from the website www.jauharuniversity.edu.in
For any queries, call +91 98971 82240 or email to registrar@jauharuniversity.edu.in
Important Dates
Jauhar National Fellowship Form – (Last Date 30th November 2017)
Mohammad Ali Jauhar University
MAJU, Rampur, Jauhar Nagar, Rampur, U.P – 244901, Call us +91 98971 82240, Email: registrar@jauharuniversity.edu.in, Website www.jauharuniversity.edu.in
For any query, candidates are requested to check the official website .
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