Un Prefix – Meaning, words with prefix Un

Un prefix meaning

The prefix "un" means not or lacking.





Words with prefix un

Here are a few commonly used words which have the prefix un. The meanings of the words are also given for the convenience of students.

  1. Un + abandon = Unabandon. To go back to; to undo one’s abandonment of something or someone.
  2. Un + abased = Unabased. Not abased, not to belittle or degrade someone.
  3. Un + abbreviable = Unabbreviable. That cannot be abbreviated, cannot be put in acronym form
  4. Un + abdicate= Unabdicate. To cancel one’s abdication or renouncement of throne
  5. Un + able = Unable. To lack ability to do something
  6. Un + abject = Unabject. Something that cannot be compared
  7. Un + abolish = Unabolish. To restore, put back someone
  8. Un + abort = Unabort. To undo an abortion
  9. Un + abridged = Unabridged. Complete version of something
  10. Un + absorbed = Unabsorbed. Something that is left and has not been absorbed
  11. Un + academic = Unacademic. Something that is not academic
  12. Un + acceptable= Unacceptable. A concept or action that is not acceptable
  13. Un + accessible = Unaccessible. A person, place or goal that is not accessible
  14. Un + acclaimed = Unacclaimed. Something that is not recognised
  15. Un + accompanied = Unaccompanied. Someone who is alone
  16. Un + acquainted = Unacquainted. Someone who is ignorant
  17. Un + affected = Unaffected. Someone who shows no changes
  18. Un + afraid = Unafraid. A person who is fearless
  19. Un + approachable = Unapproachable. A person or a place that is inaccessible
  20. Un + armed = Unarmed. Someone who is weaponless
  21. Un + authorised = Unauthorised. Something that is llegal
  22. Un + available = Unavailable. Something that is not available
  23. Un + aware = Unaware. Someone who is ignorant
  24. Un + believable = Unbelievable. Ia news that is incredible
  25. Un + breakable = Unbreakable. Something that is durable
  26. Un + called = Uncalled-for. Something or someone not invited, undesireable
  27. Un + changed = Unchanged. Something or someone who is the same;maintained
  28. Un + civilized = Uncivilized. Someone who is barbaric
  29. Un + comfortable = Uncomfortable. Something that is disturbing or distressing
  30. Un + common = Uncommon. A quality or a thing that is rare
  31. Un + constitutional = Unconstitutional. An act that is illegal
  32. Un + conventional = Unconventional. Something that is uncommon
  33. Un + cover = Uncover. To open or lay bare
  34. Un + desirable = Undesirable. A person or a thing that is disliked
  35. Un + disputed = Undisputed. Something which is ccepted or agreed to withoutt dispute
  36. Un + do = Undo. to reverse the effect of something
  37. Un + due = Undue. An inappropriate act
  38. Un + earthly = Unearthly. A Supernatural occurence
  39. Un + educated = Uneducated. Someone who is illiterate
  40. Un + employed = Unemployed. A jobless person
  41. Un + fair = Unfair. Someone or something that is biased
  42. Un + forgettable = Unforgettable. Whom you cannot forget
  43. Un + grateful = Ungrateful. A thankless person
  44. Un + healthy = Unhealthy. Something that is not healthy
  45. Un + kempt = Unkempt. Something that is ill-kept
  46. Un + leash = Unleash. To set loose


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