Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources MCQs


CBSE Class 8 Geography Chapter 2 MCQs from Resources and Development Book | Geography Chapter 2 “Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources” Multiple Choice Questions With Answers

Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources MCQs – Here is a compilation of Free MCQs of Class 8 Geography book Resources and Development Chapter 2 Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources.  Students can practice free MCQs as have been added by CBSE in the new exam pattern. At the end of Multiple Choice Questions, the answer key has also been provided for your reference. Take Free Online MCQs Test for Class 8.

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Q1- How much percent of earth’s area is occupied by land?

A) 45

B) 30

C) 66

D) 70

Q2- Private land properties are owned by

A) Cooperative societies

B) Individuals

C) Communities

D) Schools

Q3- An example of common property resource is

 A) Private homes

B) Land for common usage

C) agriculture lands of individuals

D) factories

Q4- Which of the following steps is a major threat to the environment?

A) Planting trees

B) Desertification

C) Promoting tourism

D) Promoting renewable resources

Q5- The type of soil is determined by 

A) landforms

B) soil erosion

C) water sources

D) Globalisation

Q6- As the exposed rock break off and start decaying due to temperature change, this process is called

A) Deforestation

B) Landslide

C) Soil erosion

D) Weathering

Q7- Soil is made up of

A) water

B) metals 

C) organic materials & rocks

D) ice 

Q8- Mass movement of rocks down the hills could be a sign ofA) Landslides

B) Floods

C) Deforestation

D) Weathering

Q9- Which of the following states of India are notorious for witnessing maximum number of landslides

A) Punjab

B) Uttrakhand

C) Tamilnadu

D) Jharkhand

Q10- How much time is taken to form 1 cm of soil

A) 10+ years

B) 5 years

C) 100s of year

D) few months

Q11- Which part of soil is fit for vegetation?

A) Sub soil

B) top soil

C) weathered rock material

D) clay soil

Q12- Overgrazing is responsible for causing

A) soil depletion

B) Floods

C) earthquake

D) landslide

Q13- Which of the following is used to conserve the soil?

A) Mulching

B) Clear the forest

C) agriculture process

D) cattle grazing

Q14- The process of piling up of rocks to prevent water flow is called

A) Rock Dam

B) Erosion

C) Mulching

D) Landslide

Q15- The moisture of soil can be retained by the process of

A) Counter Barriers

B) Mulching

C) Rock Dams

D) Planting grass

Q16- A dripping tap is capable of wasting approximately how much amount of water per year?

A) 2000 litres

B) 1200 litres

C) 1500 litres

D) 2500 litres

Q17- The evaporation of water takes place due to 

A) Nitrogen Cycle

B) Water Cycle

C) Cooling of Ice

D) Floods

Q18- The zone of earth’s atmosphere where life exists is called

A) Biosphere

B) Lithosphere

C) Hydrosphere

D) Troposphere

Q19- The life supporting system is known as

A) earth

B) biosphere

C) ecosystem

D) Vegetation

Q20- Which of the following animals are protected under CITES?

A) Monkey

B) Dolphins

C) Snakes

D) Rats

Q21- Low-lying areas are susceptible to 

A) water logging

B) landslides

C) illegal mining

D) Weathering

Q22- ____ are normally sparsely populated.

A) thick forests

B) Gangatic plains

C) low-lying places

D) cultivable areas

Q23- The average water consumption per person is ___ cu km/year

A) 5500

B) 6000

C) 6500

D) 5900

Q24- River Yamuna is getting polluted due to

A) industrial affluents

B) forests

C) weathering

D) trees cutting

Q25- Rainwater harvesting is compulsory in the state of _____

A) Tamil Nadu

B) Haryana

C) Rajasthan

D) Assam

Q26- Terrace farming method is common in ____ regions

A) forest

B) mountain

C) coastal

D) plains

Q27- ____ is one of the ways to prevent soil erosion.

A) Trees cutting

B) clearing of forest for agriculture

C) Counter ploughing

D) building dams

Q28- ____ is a major threat to the environment.

A) rainfall

B) sunlight

C) Desertification

D) tree plantation

Q29- Heavy rains cause _____ in mountainous regions every year.

A) earthquake 

B) tsunami

C) landslide

D) accident

Q30- ____ are some of the densely populated regions.

A) River plains

B) mountains

C) thick forests

D) deserts


Answer key for Class 8 Geography Resources and Development book Chapter 2 – Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

Question Answer Question Answer
1 B 11 B
2 B 12 A
3 B 13 A
4 B 14 A
5 A 15 B
6 D 16 B
7 C 17 B
8 A 18 A
9 B 19 C
10 C 20 B
21 A 22 A
23 B 24 A
25 A 26 B
27 C 28 C
29 C 30 A



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