“Design Thinking and Innovation” Skill Module to be included in the Syllabus of classes 6 to 8

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), along with the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell and faculty of IIT Bombay has designed a new skill module named “Design Thinking and Innovation”  to be included in the syllabus of Middle School (Classes 6 to 8). 
According to CBSE, design thinking and innovation plays an important role in every individual’s world. So this module will enable students to identify and solve problems irrespective of field specialisation. This module will make the students see the world with more creativity, and will result in having a creative economy in the country, in the coming years. 
CBSE has also mentioned various careers a student might pursue in the future from the study of design and innovation in their middle school time, such as – communication design, spatial design, industrial design, textile design, craft design, digital design, service design and design management. 
The main and overall vision of creating and executing this module is to let students explore their sensory abilities, cognitive abilities, and social abilities, which would create awareness in the students through discovery, observation, analysis, and reflection. 
The principles of different CBSE schools believe that introduction of such a creative module will result in an everlasting positive impact on the students.
CBSE has released the FAQs and introduction document of this module on their official website https://cbseacademic.nic.in.  
Click here to check the FAQs & Introduction to Design Thinking & Innovation Curriculum