Ode On Solitude Question Answer


BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book Poem 2 Ode On Solitude Question Answers 


Ode On Solitude Question Answers: Looking for Ode On Solitude important questions and answers for BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practicing BSEB Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Ode On Solitude question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest BSEB exam pattern. All the exercises and Questions Answers given at the back of the lesson have also been covered. 



BSEB Class 10 English Poem 2 Ode On Solitude Question and Answers 




  1. Answer the following questions very briefly: 


  1. How many of you want to be happy? What leads to happiness?

Ans. Almost everyone wants to be happy. Happiness comes from different things for different people. It could be having good friends and family, doing the work that you love, staying healthy, feeling like your life has meaning, or just enjoying the little things in life.


  1. What makes our life happy – money or contentment or both? Discuss

Ans. Happiness in life can come from both money and contentment, but they’re not the same thing. Money can provide access to things that can bring pleasure and comfort, like buying nice things or going on trips. Money can buy things that make us happy, like nice clothes or vacations. But just having money doesn’t always mean we’ll be truly happy. Being content means feeling satisfied with what we have and being thankful for it. Even if we don’t have a lot of money, being content can still make us happy because we appreciate what we do have. So, it’s a mix of both money and contentment that can lead to a happy life.


  1. Have you ever visited a remote village adorned with natural beauty and a capital town full of Skyscrapers? Which one would you like and why? 

Ans. I haven’t had the chance to visit either a remote village or a capital town yet, but both sound intriguing in their own ways. A remote village adorned with natural beauty sounds like a peaceful retreat. On the other hand, a capital town full of skyscrapers offers a vibrant atmosphere with endless possibilities. Ultimately, the choice between the two would depend on my mood. If I’m in need of relaxation and serenity, I might opt for the remote village. However, if I’m craving excitement and adventure, then the capital town full of skyscrapers would be my preference. 

B.1. Answer the following questions very briefly


  1. Who is a happy man? 

Ans. A happy man, according to the poem “Ode on Solitude,” is someone who finds contentment and fulfillment in simple pleasures. This person is described as someone whose desires are modest, finding joy in owning a small piece of land and being self-sufficient. 


  1. Who (m) does the pronoun ‘his’ in the third line of the 1st stanza refer to? 

Ans. In the third line of the first stanza, the pronoun “his” refers to the “man” mentioned in the previous lines. It specifically indicates ownership or possession by the man of the “few paternal acres” mentioned earlier in the poem. So, in this context, “his” refers to the man’s ownership of his ancestral land.


  1. Who gives him milk? 

Ans. The herds give him milk.


  1. What gives him bread? 

Ans. The fields give him bread.


  1. From where does he get his clothes? 

Ans. He gets his clothes from his flocks which provide wool for attire.


  1. How do trees help him? 

Ans. The trees provide him with shade in summer and fuel for fire in winter.

B.2. Answer the following questions very briefly: 


  1. Name the poem and the poet.

Ans. The poem is titled “Ode on Solitude,” and it was written by Alexander Pope.


  1. Who is a blessed man? 

Ans. A blessed man, according to the poem “Ode on Solitude,” is someone who finds contentment and happiness in simple pleasures and a tranquil lifestyle.


  1. How does a happy man spend his time? 

Ans. A happy man spends his time in peaceful activities such as enjoying the passage of time, sleeping soundly at night, balancing study and leisure during the day, and finding joy in innocent thoughts and meditation.


  1. Who (m) does ‘me’ refer to in the last stanza?

Ans. In the last stanza, “me” refers to the speaker or the narrator of the poem.


  1. What do you mean by ‘slide soft away’? 

Ans. “Slide soft away” means to pass gently or smoothly without any disturbances or interruptions. Here, it refers to the peaceful passage of time, where hours, days, and years slip by quietly and calmly.


  1. What does the poet wish for after death? 

Ans. The poet wishes for anonymity and solitude after death. He desires to “live unseen, unknown” and hopes to die in a way that goes unnoticed by the world.


  1. How does the poet want to live? 

Ans. The poet wants to live in obscurity, away from the attention and recognition of the world. He desires a quiet and unnoticed existence, preferring to remain unseen and unknown.


  1. How does the poet want to die? 

Ans. The poet wants to die quietly and without attracting any attention or mourning. He desires to pass away unnoticed and without any mourning or fuss from others.


  1. What are the features of a happy life? 

Ans. The features of a happy life, as described in the poem, include finding contentment in simple pleasures, being self-sufficient, enjoying tranquility, experiencing good physical health and mental peace, having a balance between work and leisure, and finding joy in quiet moments of reflection and meditation.

C.1. Long Answer Questions


  1. The poet thinks that those who are content with what they have are happy men. Do you agree? Give reasons.

Ans. Yes, I agree with the poet’s sentiment. Finding contentment with what one has can indeed lead to happiness. When individuals are satisfied with their possessions, circumstances, and achievements, they are less likely to experience feelings of inadequacy or longing for more. Contentment fosters gratitude, which in turn enhances overall well-being and satisfaction with life. Moreover, it promotes a positive mindset, allowing individuals to focus on the present moment and appreciate life’s simple joys. Ultimately, cultivating a sense of contentment enables people to find fulfillment and happiness irrespective of external circumstances or material possessions.


  1. What does the speaker mean by Together mixt, sweet recreation? Can these things be mixed? Have you ever tried to do so?

Ans. The phrase “Together mixt, sweet recreation” in the poem suggests the blending of study and ease, implying a harmonious combination of intellectual engagement and leisure activities. While it may seem contradictory to mix study with recreation, the speaker advocates for a balanced lifestyle where both aspects complement each other. Yes, I have personally tried to incorporate this concept into my life by dedicating time to both learning and relaxation. By alternating between focused study sessions and enjoyable recreational activities, I’ve found that I can maintain a healthy balance, leading to improved productivity, well-being, and overall satisfaction with life.


  1. Why does the poet want to live and die stealthily from the world? How many of you would live to do so? And Why? 

Ans. The poet desires to live and die stealthily from the world to escape the pressures and expectations of society. He longs for anonymity and solitude, craving a quiet and unobtrusive existence free from the need for recognition or validation from others.

Many may desire this anonymity to find peace and authenticity, to live life on their own terms without the constant scrutiny of others. By living and dying quietly, individuals can focus on their inner selves, pursue personal fulfillment, and find contentment away from the noise and distractions of the world. It grants them the freedom to pursue their passions and interests without the pressures of societal expectations or judgments. By avoiding the spotlight, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and introspection, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling existence. Additionally, living and dying quietly enables individuals to leave behind a legacy of simplicity and humility, rather than seeking recognition or fame. 


  1. Is the title of the poem justified? Can you suggest any other title? Give reasons for your choice.

Ans. Yes, the title “Ode on Solitude” is justified as it accurately reflects the central theme of the poem, which revolves around the tranquility and peace found in a solitary existence. However, another suitable title could be “An Ode to Simplicity.” This title highlights the poem’s emphasis on finding contentment in life’s simple pleasures and living a modest, unassuming existence. It captures the essence of the speaker’s desire for anonymity and a quiet life, away from the complexities and distractions of the world. “An Ode to Simplicity” effectively encapsulates the poem’s theme of embracing simplicity and finding happiness in a tranquil lifestyle.

C.3. Composition


  1. Write a letter to your younger brother/sister living in Patna about the effects of noise pollution due to congested traffic.

Ans.  [Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]


May 8, 20XX

Dear [Younger Brother/Sister’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today to discuss a matter of growing concern: the effects of noise pollution caused by congested traffic in our city.

As you may have noticed, the traffic situation in Patna has been worsening lately, leading to increased noise levels on the streets. The constant honking of horns, the roar of engines, and the screeching of brakes create a cacophony of sound that not only disturbs our peace but also poses serious health risks. Studies have shown that exposure to high levels of noise pollution can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. It can lead to hearing loss, sleep disturbances, stress, anxiety, and even cardiovascular problems. Also, noise pollution also affects our environment and wildlife. 

In light of these concerns, it is essential that we take steps to address the issue of noise pollution in our city. I urge you to remain vigilant about the effects of noise pollution and to take measures to protect yourself from its harmful effects. This could include using earplugs or noise-canceling headphones when necessary, seeking out quieter areas to spend time in, and advocating for policies that prioritize noise reduction.

Let us work together to create a healthier and more peaceful environment for ourselves and future generations. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can address this issue, please do not hesitate to share them with me.

Take care, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


With warm regards,

[Your Name]


  1. Write a paragraph in about 100 words
  2. The importance of trees
  3. Bliss of solitude


Ans. a. The importance of trees cannot be overstated. They are essential components of our ecosystem, providing a wide array of benefits to both humans and the environment. Trees play a crucial role in producing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, and purifying the air we breathe. They also help regulate the climate by reducing the effects of global warming, conserving soil, and preventing erosion. Furthermore, trees provide habitats for countless species of wildlife, support biodiversity, and contribute to the overall health of ecosystems. Additionally, they offer shade, reduce noise pollution, and beautify our landscapes. Protecting and preserving trees is vital for ensuring a sustainable and healthy planet for future generations.


  1. The bliss of solitude is a cherished experience that offers a sanctuary from the chaos and demands of everyday life. In moments of solitude, we find solace and tranquility, allowing us to escape the noise of the world and reconnect with our inner selves. It provides an opportunity for introspection, self-reflection, and personal growth. Whether it’s spending time alone in nature, indulging in a favorite hobby, or simply enjoying quiet moments of contemplation, solitude nourishes the soul and rejuvenates the spirit. Embracing solitude allows us to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, creativity, and inner peace, enhancing our overall well-being and happiness.


  1. Word Study


D.1. Dictionary USe


Ex.1. Correct the spellings of the following words


patternal, breeth, atire, unconcernadly, inocence, unlemented



  1. paternal
  2. breathe
  3. attire
  4. unconcernedly
  5. innocence
  6. unlamented



Ex. 1 Find out from the poem words the meanings of which have been given on the left hand side. The past part of each word is given on the right hand side.


  1. A measurement Unit …………………..re
  2. dressings, clothes ………………….re
  3. holy or lucky ………………….ed
  4. inherited from father ………………….al
  5. indifferently ………………….ly



  1. A measurement Unit – acre
  2. dressings, clothes – attire
  3. holy or lucky – blessed
  4. inherited from father – paternal
  5. indifferently – unconcernedly

Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below: 


native, peace, sound, content, meditation


  1. I didn’t get a ……………….. sleep last night.
  2. She found peace through yoga and ………………….. .
  3. Mr. Jha lay back and enjoyed the ………………….. of the Summer Evening.
  4. Mrs. Sinha is ………………… with what he has.
  5. Mr. Maung is a …………………….. speaker of English.



  1. I didn’t get a sound sleep last night.
  2. She found peace through yoga and meditation.
  3. Mr. Jha lay back and enjoyed the peace of the Summer Evening.
  4. Mrs. Sinha is content with what he has.
  5. Mr. Maung is a native speaker of English.
  1. Grammar


Ex.1. Find out five prepositions from the poem and frame sentences of your own.



  1. Whose– The man, whose cares extend to a few paternal acres, finds contentment in his native land.
  2. In- In his own ground, he breathes the fresh air of his native countryside.
  3. With- He tends to his herds with care, providing them with milk.
  4. By– By day, he enjoys the tranquility of his surroundings.
  5. From– He wishes to steal away from the world and vanish from its sight.

Ex. 2. Insert suitable prepositions in the following sentences: 


  1. He was knocked down …………… bus
  2. She saved him ………………. drawing.
  3. What is it made …………….?
  4. Yesterday, I had an argument …………….. Mr. Sinha.
  5. It took us an hour ……………… complete this assignment.



  1. He was knocked down by the bus.
  2. She saved him with her drawing.
  3. What is it made of?
  4. Yesterday, I had an argument with Mr. Sinha.
  5. It took us an hour to complete this assignment.
  1. Translation


Translate the poem into your mother tongue.


Happy the man whose wish and care

A few paternal acres bound,

Content to breathe his native air

In his own ground.



सुखी है वह आदमी जिसकी इच्छा और देखभाल

कुछ पैतृक एकड़ भूमि,

अपनी मूल हवा में सांस लेने की सामग्री

अपने ही मैदान में.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Poem 2 Ode On Solitude Extra Question and Answers 


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. Ode on Solitude’ is written by….

(A) Alexander Pope

(B) Milton

(C) Rupert Brooke

(D) Walter de la Mare


  1. The poet does not want anything to mark the place where he is

(A) Buried

(B) Sitting

(C) Hiding

(D) Lost


  1. Where does the happy man live, according to this poem?

(A) In forest

(B) In towns

(C) In his native land

(D) None of these


  1. How is he content?

(A) To live peacefully

(B) to live with comfort

(C) To live with luxury

(D) None of these


  1. Who gives him bread?

(A) Market

(B) Field

(C) Farmer

(D) None of these


  1. Where does he get his clothes?

(A) From bamboos

(B) From leathers of animals

(C) From his flocks of sheep

(D) None of these


  1. How does the poet desire to sleep?

(A) So long

(B) Soundly

(C) Sleep for less hours

(D) None of these


  1. The happy man owns inherited

(A) world

(B) property

(C) poem

(D) solitude


  1. A happy man’s wants are satisfied by the property inherited by him from his

(A) Uncle

(B) Mother

(C) Cousin

(D) Father


  1. Hours, days and years slide away ……………… for the happy man.

(A) Hard

(B) Quickly

(C) Softly

(D) Tensely



  1. (A) Alexander Pope
  2. (A) Buried
  3. (C) In his native land
  4. (A) To live peacefully
  5. (B) Field
  6. (C) From his flocks of sheep
  7. (B) Soundly
  8. (B) property
  9. (D) Father
  10. (C) Softly


Extract Based Questions


“Happy the man whose wish and care
A few paternal acres, bound,
Content to breathe his native air
In his own ground.”


Q1. What does the phrase “a few paternal acres, bound” suggest about the man’s situation?

Ans. It suggests that the man owns a small plot of land inherited from his father.


Q2. What does the poet imply about the man’s contentment with his surroundings?

Ans. The man is content with his simple life and finds happiness in his own land.


Q3.  How does the man feel about being in his native environment?

Ans. He is satisfied and fulfilled by being in the place where he was born and raised.


Q4. What does the phrase “native air” connote in the context of the poem?

Ans. It connotes familiarity, comfort, and a sense of belonging to one’s homeland.


Q5. What does the expression “In his own ground” suggest about the man’s relationship with his land?

Ans. It suggests a sense of ownership, belonging, and attachment to the land he possesses.


“Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,

Whose flocks supply him with attire

Whose trees in summer yield him shade,

In Winter fire.”


Q1.How does the man’s lifestyle depend on his surroundings?  

Ans. His livelihood depends on his land, which provides him with food, clothing, and shelter. 


Q2.What does the phrase “Whose flocks supply him with attire” imply? 

Ans. It implies that the man’s sheep provide wool for making clothing. 


Q3. How does the poet depict the man’s self-sufficiency?

Ans. The man is depicted as self-sufficient because he relies on his own resources for his needs.


Q4. What does the poet convey through the imagery of trees providing shade in summer and firewood in winter?

Ans. The imagery suggests the cyclical nature of the seasons and the man’s ability to utilize nature’s resources wisely.


Q5. How does man’s reliance on nature’s bounty contribute to his happiness?

Ans. The man’s reliance on nature’s bounty fosters a sense of harmony with the natural world and fulfills his basic needs, leading to contentment.



 “Blest who can unconcernedly find

Hours, days and years, slide soft away

In health of body, peace of mind

Quiet by day.”


Q1. What does the poet suggest about the passage of time in this stanza?

Ans. The poet suggests that time passes smoothly and without worry for the man. 


Q2. How does the man’s attitude towards time contribute to his happiness?

Ans. His ability to let time pass without concern reflects his contentment and peace of mind.


Q3. What does the phrase “In health of body, peace of mind” signify?

Ans.  The phrase “In health of body, peace of mind” signifies the man’s well-being, both physically and mentally.


Q4. How does the man achieve tranquility during the day?

Ans. The man who achieves tranquility during the day finds peace and quiet in the simplicity of his daily life and his connection to nature.


Q5. What does the poet imply about the man’s approach to life in this stanza?

Ans. The poet implies that the man’s relaxed attitude towards life brings him happiness and contentment.


“Sound sleep by night: study and ease

Together mixt, sweet recreation,

And innocence, which most does please

With meditation


Q1. What does the phrase “Sound sleep by night” suggest about the man’s state of mind?

Ans. It suggests that the man enjoys peaceful and undisturbed sleep at night.


Q2. How does the man balance study and ease in his life?

Ans. He combines learning and relaxation in a harmonious way, finding pleasure in both.


Q3. What does the poet imply about the value of innocence in this stanza?

Ans. The poet implies that innocence brings the greatest pleasure when coupled with contemplation and reflection.


Q4. How does the man find recreation in his life?

Ans. He finds enjoyment and leisure in simple activities that bring him joy and fulfillment.


Q5. What does the phrase “sweet recreation” suggest about the man’s leisure activities?

Ans. The phrase “sweet recreation” suggests that the man’s leisure activities are enjoyable and refreshing, adding sweetness to his life.


“Thus let me live unseen, unknown;

Thus unlamented let me die;

Steal from the world and not a stone

Tell where I lie.”


Q1. What does the man desire regarding his life and death?

Ans. The man desires to live and die in obscurity, without attracting attention or leaving a mark on the world.


Q2. What does the phrase “Thus let me live unseen, unknown” reveal about the man’s preferences?  

Ans. The phrase “Thus let me live unseen, unknown” reveals his desire for a quiet and unassuming existence away from the spotlight.


Q3. How does the man wish to be remembered after his death?

Ans. The man wishes to pass away quietly and without any fuss or mourning.


Q4. What does the poet suggest about the man’s attitude towards fame or recognition?

Ans. The poet suggests that the man values privacy and anonymity over fame or recognition.


Q5. How does the man’s wish to “steal from the world” contrast with societal expectations? 

Ans. The man’s wish to “steal from the world” contrasts with societal norms that often prioritize achievements and leaving a legacy. Instead, the man seeks a simple and unnoticed life.


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