Spelling Bee Quiz – Choose the Correct Spelling MCQs with Answers
Spelling Bee Quiz with Answers – Spellings are an important component when working towards enhancing one’s communication and building confidence in both written and spoken English. For class 10 students, specifically ones studying for their Boards or State Boards examination, mastering spellings ensures that the students will have better performance in English examinations and other subjects, along with future professional pursuits as well. Students are often asked questions to identify the correct spelling. Also, students must be able to spell correctly in order to avoid loss of marks in exams. We have compiled a post on important spellings in English which can help you score better marks. The MCQs on choosing the correct spelling will definitely help improve your vocabulary!
Tips to ensure correct spellings
The following are some tips that you can use to excel in spelling bees:-
- Focus on Pronunciation: Pay close attention to how words are pronounced. Breaking words into syllables can help you understand their structure and make it easier to spell them correctly.
- Learn Root Words: Many words are derived from common roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Familiarizing yourself with these can help you decode and remember the spelling of more complex words.
- Read Widely: Reading books, newspapers, and articles exposes you to new words and reinforces their correct spelling. Make a habit of noting unfamiliar words and looking up their meanings and spellings.
- Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is important for remembering spellings. Use spelling apps, flashcards, or write challenging words multiple times to build memory.
- Use Mnemonics: Mnemonics are memory aids/ words that can simplify complex spellings. For example, remember “necessary” as “one collar and two sleeves” to recall the correct placement of “c” and “s.”
- Review Frequently Misspelled Words: Create a list of commonly misspelled words and review them regularly. Words like “accommodate,” “definitely,” and “separate” often confuse students. Familiarizing yourself with these will reduce mistakes.
Choose the correct spelt word
- (A) Abandon
(B) Abbandon
(C) Abandonn
(D) Abandonne
- (A) Absence
(B) Absesnce
(C) Absense
(D) Abseance
- (A) Acceptable
(B) Acceptible
(C) Aceptable
(D) Aceptible
- (A) Accommodation
(B) Accomodation
(C) Acommodation
(D) Accomadation
- (A) Abandonnment
(B) Abandonmentt
(C) Abandonment
(D) Abadonnment
- (A) Categorize
(B) Categarize
(C) Category
(D) Categoriz
- (A) Celerbrate
(B) Celebrate
(C) Celebarte
(D) Celebrate
- (A) Separate
(B) Seperate
(C) Seperrate
(D) Seperet
- (A) Carrer
(B) Carrer
(C) Carear
(D) Career
- (A) Acheive
(B) Achieve
(C) Acheve
(D) Achive
- (A) Accidant
(B) Acident
(C) Aksident
(D) Accident
- (A) Antisipate
(B) Anticipate
(C) Anticipatte
(D) Anticipaite
- (A) Analisys
(B) Analasis
(C) Analysis
(D) Analysys
- (A) Artiste
(B) Artist
(C) Artisst
(D) Artis
- (A) Balence
(B) Balanse
(C) Balance
(D) Balans
- (A) Comence
(B) Commencee
(C) Comenc
(D) Commence
- (A) Beleive
(B) Believe
(C) Belive
(D) Beleeve
- (A) Contemplatte
(B) Contemplete
(C) Contimplatte
(D) Contemplate
- (A) Debue
(B) Debew
(C) Debut
(D) Dube
- (A) Dialouge
(B) Dialoge
(C) Dialog
(D) Dialogue
- (A) Definately
(B) Definitely
(C) Defintely
(D) Definitley
- (A) Ocurrence
(B) Occurence
(C) Occurrence
(D) Ocurence
- (A) Existensce
(B) Existense
(C) Existance
(D) Existence
- (A) Privilege
(B) Privilige
(C) Privelege
(D) Priveledge
- (A) Guarantie
(B) Guarentee
(C) Guarantee
(D) Guarentee
- (A) Harassment
(B) Harrasment
(C) Harasment
(D) Harrassment
- (A) Occurred
(B) Ocurred
(C) Occured
(D) Ocurred
- (A) Ecinomy
(B) Economy
(C) Economie
(D) Ecomony
- (A) Rhythum
(B) Rythm
(C) Rithm
(D) Rhythm
- (A) Embarrasment
(B) Embarassment
(C) Embarrassment
(D) Embarresment
- (A) Convinient
(B) Conveniant
(C) Convenent
(D) Convenient
- (A) Arguement
(B) Argument
(C) Argumant
(D) Argumant
- (A) Independent
(B) Independant
(C) Indepent
(D) Independen
- (A) Expand
(B) Expande
(C) Expend
(D) Expaand
- (A) Maintainance
(B) Maintenance
(C) Maintenace
(D) Maintance
- (A) Fascinate
(B) Fasinatte
(C) Fasinite
(D) Fasinate
- (A) Opportunity
(B) Oppurtunity
(C) Oppurtunity
(D) Opportunty
- (A) Recess
(B) Reces
(C) Reecess
(D) Recese
- (A) Given
(B) Givin
(C) Givean
(D) Givven
- (A) Disappear
(B) Disapear
(C) Disapear
(D) Disapear
- (A) Empyre
(B) Empire
(C) Impire
(D) Empair
- (A) Faid
(B) Fadde
(C) Fade
(D) Fayd
- (A) Hale
(B) Heal
(C) Heale
(D) Heel
- (A) Internall
(B) Internal
(C) Internel
(D) Interanl - (A) Masive
(B) Masiv
(C) Massive
(D) Massiv
- (A) Emply
(B) Employ
(C) Emplly
(D) Emplai - (A) Fairley
(B) Fairely
(C) Fairly
(D) Fairlee - (A) Heven
(B) Heaven
(C) Heavan
(D) Heavin - (A) Invasion
(B) Invaison
(C) Invasian
(D) Invazion - (A) Mayor
(B) Mayar
(C) Maayor
(D) Mayore - (A) Employer
(B) Emploier
(C) Employar
(D) Employeer - (A) Familliar
(B) Familiar
(C) Fameliar
(D) Fameliar - (A) Helicopter
(B) Hellecopter
(C) Hellicopter
(D) Hellicopeter - (A) Invest
(B) Inwest
(C) Invast
(D) Invesst - (A) Meal
(B) Meel
(C) Meall
(D) Meale - (A) Employement
(B) Emploiement
(C) Employment
(D) Emploiment
- (A) Fancy
(B) Fancey
(C) Fancie
(D) Fansey - (A) Highlight
(B) Highlite
(C) Highligt
(D) Hightlight - (A) Invatation
(B) Invitation
(C) Invitasion
(D) Invitatian - (A) Meening
(B) Meaniing
(C) Meaning
(D) Meanin - (A) Naturally
(B) Naturaly
(C) Natuarally
(D) Naturraly - (A) Parrish
(B) Parish
(C) Parissh
(D) Parash - (A) Premioum
(B) Premeum
(C) Premium
(D) Primum - (A) Referense
(B) Referrence
(C) Reference
(D) Refarence - (A) Sacrifice
(B) Sacrafice
(C) Sacrifise
(D) Sacrifise - (A) Navel
(B) Naval
(C) Navall
(D) Nawal - (A) Parisioner
(B) Parrishioner
(C) Parishioner
(D) Parishonner - (A) Preperation
(B) Prepration
(C) Preparation
(D) Preparasion - (A) Referendom
(B) Referendum
(C) Refferendum
(D) Referandem - (A) Sake
(B) Sakke
(C) Saake
(D) Sakee - (A) Navvy
(B) Navy
(C) Navie
(D) Naavy - (A) Parliamentary
(B) Parliementary
(C) Parlimentary
(D) Parliamantary - (A) Prescruption
(B) Prescription
(C) Presciption
(D) Preskription - (A) Regime
(B) Regeem
(C) Rigeem
(D) Regim - (A) Salery
(B) Salary
(C) Sallary
(D) Salarie - (A) Neccessarily
(B) Necesserily
(C) Necessarily
(D) Necessarilly - (A) Parochial
(B) Paroquial
(C) Parocial
(D) Parrokial - (A) Presurve
(B) Preserve
(C) Presirve
(D) Presrve - (A) Register
(B) Registor
(C) Rigister
(D) Regestar
- (A) Sanction
(B) Sancction
(C) Sanktcion
(D) Sancshun - (A) Negative
(B) Negitive
(C) Negativve
(D) Negativ - (A) Particapate
(B) Particcipate
(C) Participate
(D) Partisepate - (A) Presidensy
(B) Presidancy
(C) Presidensey
(D) Presidency - (A) Regreat
(B) Regret
(C) Regrete
(D) Regriat - (A) Sanction
(B) Sancshun
(C) Sanktcion
(D) Sancction - (A) Negosiate
(B) Negotiation
(C) Negosiation
(D) Negotiasion - (A) Partly
(B) Partlee
(C) Partli
(D) Partlie - (A) Presumably
(B) Presumibly
(C) Presumebly
(D) Presumubly
- (A) Regulasion
(B) Regulation
(C) Regulashun
(D) Regulattion - (A) Satellite
(B) Sattelite
(C) Satalite
(D) Satelite - (A) Nerve
(B) Nerfe
(C) Nerrve
(D) Nerf - (A) Passage
(B) Passagge
(C) Passige
(D) Pasage - (A) Pryme
(B) Primm
(C) Prime
(D) Prym - (A) Relate
(B) Rilate
(C) Relatte
(D) Rilate - (A) Saussce
(B) Sauss
(C) Sausce
(D) Sauce - (A) Nervous
(B) Nervouse
(C) Nervius
(D) Nerrvous - (A) Pasenger
(B) Passenger
(C) Passengger
(D) Pasengger - (A) Prior
(B) Pror
(C) Pryor
(D) Pryorr - (A) Relattive
(B) Relative
(C) Relattiv
(D) Reletive
- (A) Savings
(B) Savvings
(C) Saviings
(D) Saavings
- (A) Newely
(B) Newly
(C) Newely
(D) Newelly - (A) Paus
(B) Pauce
(C) Pause
(D) Pausse - (A) Privitise
(B) Privatize
(C) Privatizi
(D) Privieize
104.(A) Sensitive
(B) Sensitiwe
(C) Sensetive
(D) Sensative
- (A) Relevent
(B) Relevant
(C) Relavent
(D) Relevent - (A) Scienctific
(B) Scientific
(C) Scinific
(D) Scienific - (A) Nightmere
(B) Nightmare
(C) Nihtmare
(D) Nigtmare
- (A) Peaceful
(B) Peacefull
(C) Peacful
(D) Peaseful - (A) Prosecedure
(B) Proceedure
(C) Procedure
(D) Prosedure
110.(A) Reliabe
(B) Reliable
(C) Relieble
(D) Releable
- (A) Scream
(B) Screem
(C) Scrame
(D) Screim - (A) Normlly
(B) Normally
(C) Normally
(D) Normaly - (A) Peack
(B) Peak
(C) Peakke
(D) Peakee - (A) Proceed
(B) Proseed
(C) Prosed
(D) Prroceed - (A) Reluctant
(B) Relucttant
(C) Reluctence
(D) Reluctent - (A) Skript
(B) Scipt
(C) Script
(D) Scrip
117.(A) Noshion
(B) Notion
(C) Notsion
(D) Nottion
- (A) Peer
(B) Peir
(C) Paer
(D) Pierr - (A) Procractinate
(B) Procastinate
(C) Procrastanate
(D) Procrastinate
120.(A) Rely
(B) Reely
(C) Relly
(D) Reley
121.(A) Seal
(B) Seel
(C) Seale
(D) Seill
- (A) Numirous
(B) Numeruos
(C) Numorous
(D) Numerous
- (A) Penalty
(B) Penalti
(C) Penalt
(D) Penality - (A) Profetion
(B) Profesion
(C) Profession
(D) Professin - (A) Remaning
(B) Remaining
(C) Remaing
(D) Remaning - (A) Segment
(B) Segemnt
(C) Segmant
(D) Segemant - (A) Nurse
(B) Nuse
(C) Nurs
(D) Nurce
- (A) Pencion
(B) Pention
(C) Penshion
(D) Pension - (A) Profile
(B) Profiel
(C) Profiel
(D) Profle - (A) Remark
(B) Remarc
(C) Remarck
(D) Remerk - (A) Cez
(B) Sez
(C) Seize
(D) Seaze - (A) Objecttive
(B) Objective
(C) Obgective
(D) Objektive - (A) Pepper
(B) Peper
(C) Pepeer
(D) Peeper - (A) Prominant
(B) Promiment
(C) Promminent
(D) Prominent - (A) Remarkable
(B) Remakable
(C) Remarkeble
(D) Remarcable - (A) Selct
(B) Silect
(C) Select
(D) Slect - (A) Observe
(B) Observ
(C) Observi
(D) Obcerve - (A) Per sent
(B) Persent
(C) Percent
(D) Perscent - (A) Pompt
(B) Prompt
(C) Promt
(D) Promptt - (A) Remind
(B) Rimind
(C) Reminde
(D) Remeind - (A) Selection
(B) Selecction
(C) Selction
(D) Selecetion - (A) Obtaine
(B) Obatin
(C) Obtian
(D) Obtain - (A) Percantage
(B) Percentage
(C) Percentge
(D) Percentiage - (A) Prooff
(B) Proff
(C) Proof
(D) Profe - (A) Remote
(B) Remot
(C) Remmote
(D) Rymote - (A) Sensible
(B) Sensibble
(C) Sensiblle
(D) Sensable - (A) Occasional
(B) Occaisonal
(C) Ocassional
(D) Ocassional - (A) Perfecly
(B) Perfecttly
(C) Perfectly
(D) Perfektly - (A) Proporshion
(B) Propertion
(C) Proprotion
(D) Proportion - (A) Renw
(B) Renew
(C) Reenw
(D) Renw - (A) Overcome
(B) Overcom
(C) Overcume
(D) Overcom
- (A) Pledge
(B) Pledg
(C) Pledg
(D) Pleadge
- (A) Reail
(B) Raill
(C) Rail
(D) Rale
- (A) Revoluntionary
(B) Revolutionay
(C) Revoloutionary
(D) Revolutionary
- (A) Specialise
(B) Specialice
(C) Specilize
(D) Specilize
- (A) Overnigt
(B) Overnight
(C) Oevernight
(D) Overnigth
- (A) Plenty
(B) Plentie
(C) Plinty
(D) Pleny
- (A) Raley
(B) Raly
(C) Raaly
(D) Rally - (A) Revord
(B) Rewaard
(C) Reward
(D) Revard
- (A) Specialist
(B) Specalist
(C) Speciallist
(D) Spesialist
- (A) Overseas
(B) Overcees
(C) Overeseas
(D) Oeverseas
- (A) Ploot
(B) Plott
(C) Plot
(D) Plote
- (A) Ranke
(B) Ranck
(C) Ranck
(D) Rank
- (A) Rhythm
(B) Rythym
(C) Rithm
(D) Rithym
- (A) Species
(B) Speshies
(C) Specis
(D) Speceis
- (A) Overwhelming
(B) Overwelming
(C) Overwhleming
(D) Overvelming
- (A) Ploy
(B) Ploye
(C) Plor
(D) Piloy - (A) Rair
(B) Rare
(C) Reare
(D) Rere
- (A) Reid
(B) Ridd
(C) Ryd
(D) Rid
- (A) Specificlly
(B) Specifically
(C) Specfically
(D) Specificly
- (A) Owe
(B) Oew
(C) Ouw
(D) Owee
- (A) Plunge
(B) Plung
(C) Plungee
(D) Plunge
- (A) Rareley
(B) Rarelly
(C) Rarely
(D) Rarley
- (A) Rider
(B) Rieder
(C) Redder
(D) Riddar
- (A) Spectacullar
(B) Spectacualar
(C) Spectorular
(D) Spectacular
- (A) Ownership
(B) Owwnership
(C) Ovnership
(D) Owernship - (A) Poetry
(B) Poatry
(C) Poetery
(D) Poestry
- (A) Raiting
(B) Rating
(C) Ratting
(D) Raating
- (A) Riot
(B) Roit
(C) Riott
(D) Riat
- (A) Speculate
(B) Speclate
(C) Spectorate
(D) Spectulate
- (A) Paisse
(B) Pacc
(C) Paice
(D) Pace
- (A) Portait
(B) Portrait
(C) Portraite
(D) Portarit
- (A) Reakt
(B) Recat
(C) React
(D) Ract
- (A) Roach
(B) Roachh
(C) Roch
(D) Rouch
- (A) Spiritual
(B) Spritual
(C) Spirtual
(D) Spirital - (A) Packete
(B) Pacte
(C) Pact
(D) Pakte
- (A) Pose
(B) Poes
(C) Pouse
(D) Psose
- (A) Reasnable
(B) Reazonable
(C) Reasonable
(D) Resnable
- (A) Romantic
(B) Romatnic
(C) Romatic
(D) Romanitic
- (A) Spite
(B) Spitte
(C) Spitee
(D) Spight
- (A) Painful
(B) Painfull
(C) Payneful
(D) Paynful
- (A) Poverty
(B) Povrty
(C) Poverrty
(D) Poverity
- (A) Reckoon
(B) Reccon
(C) Recken
(D) Reckon
- (A) Rose
(B) Rrose
(C) Rosse
(D) Roze
- (A) Sponsor
(B) Spensor
(C) Spenser
(D) Sponcer
- (A) Palace
(B) Palce
(C) Palaace
(D) Palase
- (A) Praktical
(B) Practikal
(C) Practicle
(D) Practical
- (A) Recognation
(B) Recognition
(C) Recognision
(D) Recoqnition
- (A) Rouge
(B) Roge
(C) Roug
(D) Roque
- (A) Spurr
(B) Sppur
(C) Spur
(D) Spor
1. | (A) Abandon | 101. | (B) Newly |
2. | (A) Absence | 102. | (C) Pause |
3. | (A) Acceptable | 103. | (B) Privatize |
4. | (A) Accommodation | 104. | (A) Sensitive |
5. | (C) Abandonment | 105. | (B) Relevant |
6. | (C) Category | 106. | (B) Scientific |
7. | (B) Celebrate | 107. | (B) Nightmare |
8. | (A) Separate | 108. | (A) Peaceful |
9. | (D) Career | 109. | (C) Procedure |
10. | (B) Achieve | 110. | (B) Reliable |
11. | (D) Accident | 111. | (A) Scream |
12 | (B) Anticipate | 112. | (B) Normally |
13. | (C) Analysis | 113. | (B) Peak |
14. | (B) Artist | 114. | (A) Proceed |
15. | (C) Balance | 115. | (A) Reluctant |
16. | (D) Commence | 116. | (C) Script |
17. | (B) Believe | 117. | (B) Notion |
18. | (D) Contemplate | 118. | (A) Peer |
19. | (C) Debut | 119. | (D) Procrastinate |
20. | (D) Dialogue | 120. | (A) Rely |
21. | (B) Definitely | 121. | (A) Seal |
22. | (C) Occurrence | 122. | (D) Numerous |
23. | (D) Existence | 123. | (A) Penalty |
24. | (A) Privilege | 124. | (C) Profession |
25. | (C) Guarantee | 125. | (B) Remaining |
26. | (A) Harassment | 126. | (A) Segment |
27. | (A) Occurred | 127. | (A) Nurse |
28. | (B) Economy | 128. | (D) Pension |
29. | (D) Rhythm | 129. | (A) Profile |
30. | (C) Embarrassment | 130. | (A) Remark |
31. | (D) Convenient | 131. | (C) Seize |
32. | (B) Argument | 132. | (B) Objective |
33. | (A) Independent | 133. | (A) Pepper |
34. | (A) Expand | 134. | (D) Prominent |
35. | (B) Maintenance | 135. | (A) Remarkable |
36. | (A) Fascinate | 136. | (C) Select |
37. | (A) Opportunity | 137. | (A) Observe |
38. | (A) Recess | 138. | (C) Percent |
39. | (A) Given | 139. | (B) Prompt |
40. | (A) Disappear | 140. | (A) Remind |
41. | (C) Empire | 141. | (A) Selection |
42. | (C) Fade | 142. | (D) Obtain |
43. | (B) Heal | 143. | (B) Percentage |
44. | (B) Internal | 144. | (C) Proof |
45. | (C) Massive | 145. | (A) Remote |
46. | (B) Employ | 146. | (A) Sensible |
47. | (C) Fairly | 147. | (A) Occasional |
48. | (B) Heaven | 148. | (C) Perfectly |
49. | (A) Invasion | 149. | (D) Proportion |
50. | (A) Mayor | 150. | (B) Renew |
51. | (A) Employer | 151. | (A) Overcome |
52. | (B) Familiar | 152. | (A) Pledge |
53. | (A) Helicopter | 153. | (C) Rail |
54. | (A) Invest | 154. | (D) Revolutionary |
55. | (A) Meal | 155. | (A) Specialise |
56. | (C) Employment | 156. | (B) Overnight |
57. | (A) Fancy | 157. | (A) Plenty |
58. | (A) Highlight | 158. | (D) Rally |
59. | (B) Invitation | 159. | (C) Reward |
60. | (C) Meaning | 160. | (A) Specialist |
61. | (A) Naturally | 161. | (A) Overseas |
62. | (B) Parish | 162. | (C) Plot |
63. | (C) Premium | 163. | (D) Rank |
64. | (C) Reference | 164. | (A) Rhythm |
65. | (A) Sacrifice | 165. | (A) Species |
66. | (A) Navel | 166. | (A) Overwhelming |
67. | (C) Parishioner | 167. | (A) Ploy |
68. | (C) Preparation | 168. | (B) Rare |
69. | (B) Referendum | 169. | (D) Rid |
70. | (A) Sake | 170. | (B) Specifically |
71. | (B) Navy | 171. | (A) Owe |
72. | (A) Parliamentary | 172. | (A) Plunge |
73. | (B) Prescription | 173. | (C) Rarely |
74. | (A) Regime | 174. | (A) Rider |
75. | (B) Salary | 175. | (D) Spectacular |
76. | (C) Necessarily | 176. | (A) Ownership |
77. | (A) Parochial | 177. | (A) Poetry |
78. | (B) Preserve | 178. | (B) Rating |
79. | (A) Register | 179. | (A) Riot |
80. | (A) Sanction | 180. | (A) Speculate |
81. | (A) Negative | 181. | (D) Pace |
82. | (C) Participate | 182. | (B) Portrait |
83. | (D) Presidency | 183. | (C) React |
84. | (B) Regret | 184. | (A) Roach |
85. | (A) Sanction | 185. | (A) Spiritual |
86. | (B) Negotiation | 186. | (C) Pact |
87. | (A) Partly | 187. | (A) Pose |
88. | (A) Presumably | 188. | (C) Reasonable |
89. | (B) Regulation | 189. | (A) Romantic |
90. | (D) Satelite | 190. | (A) Spite |
91. | (A) Nerve | 191. | (A) Painful |
92. | (A) Passage | 192. | (A) Poverty |
93. | (C) Prime | 193. | (D) Reckon |
94. | (A) Relate | 194. | (A) Rose |
95. | (D) Sauce | 195. | (A) Sponsor |
96. | (A) Nervous | 196. | (A) Palace |
97. | (B) Passenger | 197. | (D) Practical |
98. | (A) Prior | 198. | (B) Recognition |
99. | (B) Relative | 199. | (A) Rouge |
100. | (A) Savings | 200. | (C) Spur |
Spelling Bees are an exemplary opportunity for students to improve their spelling skills and expand their knowledge and vocabulary. By practicing spellings regularly and focusing on root words and phonetics, students can gain mastery over the most difficult words, thus enhancing and increasing their scores in the examinations.
The above comprehensive list of Spelling bee Words will aid you in your Class 10 Examinations and thereby enhance your knowledge and vocabulary.