The Pulley Question Answers


Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English The Pulley Important Question Answers from Kumarbharti Book 


The Pulley- Question Answers: Looking for The Pulley question answers for Maharashtra State Board class 10 English Kumarbharti Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Maharashtra State Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring The Pulley question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest exam pattern, wherein we have given solved exercises and question answers of the textbook and extra questions (Multiple Choice Questions and Vocabulary Based Questions).



Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Kumarbharti Poem The Pulley Textbook Questions


  1. Go through the following images and try to link them with our lives. For example, Storm – Hardships that we face in our life.

The Pulley Textbook Questions


The Pulley Textbook Questions

  1. You may have often indulged in talking to yourself audibly.

For example,

  • “Oh, dear ! Why didn’t I get up sooner?”
  • “Let me finish this quickly and then I’ll be free”.
  • “How silly of me! Why didn’t I think of it before?”

Such expressions are called Dramatic Monologues.


Imagine and write Monologues suitable in the following situations.


  • It’s your birthday next week.


  • You have been waiting long at the city bus stop.


  • Your final exam results are to be declared tomorrow.


  • Your mother has been chatting for very long on the telephone.




It’s your birthday next week.
Ans. Oh my gosh, it’s my birthday next week. I hope the cake is big and delicious. 

You have been waiting long at the city bus stop.
Ans. Come on, bus! Where are you? Have I been here an hour, or a lifetime?

Your final exam results are to be declared tomorrow.
Ans. Oh God! I can’t believe I find out my exam results tomorrow.

Your mother has been chatting for very long on the telephone.
Ans. Oh, man! How long can one conversation possibly last? Mom, come on, you’ve been on the phone forever.


  1. ‘The Pulley’ is a mechanical device. Try and write down places where it can be used, and for what purpose.








Pulleys are used for several purposes. It is used

– To draw water out of a well
– In elevators
– In exercise machines
– In theatres to open curtains
– To lift up heavy objects at construction sites


Q. What did God’s glass of blessings contain?
Ans. According to the poem, the glass contains various desirable qualities like-

  • Strength
  • Beauty
  • Wisdom
  • Honor
  • Pleasure


Q. What would the human being do if God gifted him with ‘Rest’?
Ans. The God feels that if God gifted humanity rest, he would enjoy himself and forget about the God which created it all.

Q. With the help of the clues, pick out words containing the letter ‘a’ from the poem and build a word-pyramid.

(a) an article
(b) a preposition
(c) past tense of ‘lie’
(d) maximum length of your open palm
(e) make much of
(f) loveliness
(g) in place of
(h) a collection of priceless valuables
(i) restlessness and discontent

word pyramid




  1. Choose the correct alternative from the following.


(a) Herbert’s poem ‘The Pulley’ displays . . . . . . . . as the two main themes.

(i) Origin of Morality/Spirituality

(ii) Origin of species

(iii) Origin of the universe/galaxy

(iv) Origin of the earth/space

Ans. (i) Origin of Morality/Spirituality


(b) The theme of the poem ‘The Pulley’ is

(Find two correct statements from the given alternatives.)

(i) to focus on the mechanical operation of a pulley.

(ii) to teach a lesson to a creation (man) by the Creator (God)

(iii) to know the different gifts bestowed on man by God.

(iv) to remind man about his creator in his exhaustion.

(v) God pulled man towards Him by making him restless and weary.

Ans. (iv) to remind man about his creator in his exhaustion.

(v) God pulled man towards Him by making him restless and weary.


(c) In the poem, ‘The Pulley’ is considered

(i) a mechanical device.

(ii) a gift to mankind

(iii) an image to lift objects.

(iv) an image by which God compels people to become devout.

Ans. (iv) an image by which God compels people to become devout.


(d) . . . . . . . . is an example of Pun from the poem.

(i) Rest in the bottom lay.

(ii) So strength first made a way.

(iii) Having a glass of blessings . . . . . .

(iv) So both should losers be

Ans. (i) Rest in the bottom lay.


(e) . . . . . . . . is an example of Paradox from the poem.

 (i) And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature

 (ii) He would adore my gifts instead of me

 (iii) Let him be rich and weary

 (iv) When God at first made man

Ans.  (iii) Let him be rich and weary


(f) . . . . . . is an example of Synecdoche from the poem.

(i) So both should losers be

(ii) Then beauty flowed

(iii) “Let us” said he “pour on him”

(iv) May toss him to my breast

Ans. (iv) May toss him to my breast


(g) . . . . . . is an example of Alliteration from the poem.

 (i) Made a way

 (ii) Bottom lay

 (iii) Repining restlessness

 (iv) Keep the rest

Ans.  (iii) Repining restlessness


(h) . . . . . . is an example of Inversion from the poem.

 (i) Contract into a span

 (ii) So both should losers be

 (iii) Bestow this jewel

 (iv) And rest in nature

Ans.  (ii) So both should losers be


(i) The rhyme scheme of the poem is . . . . . .

 (i) a a b b c.

 (ii) a b c b c.

 (iii) a b c c b.

 (iv) a b a b a.

Ans.  (iv) a b a b a.


  1. Discuss and answer in your own words, and write in your notebook.


(a) The poet has used the word REST thrice in the poem. Write what the word implies in each of the three lines it occurs.

Ans. The poet has used the word REST thrice in the poem-

  • “Rest in the bottom lay”- Here, “rest” refers to the most precious and essential gift among all God’s blessings. It is a valuable jewel hidden at the bottom of a treasure.
  • “And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature.”- Here, rest means “to enjoy the benefits of”
  • “Yet let him keep the rest, But keep them with repining restlessness.”-This “rest” refers to the temporary pleasures and comforts of life.


(b) What does God want in return from man, for the gifts He has bestowed upon him?

Ans. God desires devotion and love. He wants humanity to see beyond the temporary pleasures of the world and recognize Him as the source of all good things.


(c) Why did God withhold the gift of ‘Rest’ from man?

Ans. God withholds “rest” because if humans had everything, including complete peace, they might become fixated on the gifts themselves and forget the Giver. This would create a distance between God and humanity.


(d) Besides those given in the poem, what other gifts has God blessed mankind with above his other creations? Enlist them.

Ans. God has bestowed upon humanity:



Moral Compass


(e) When does man generally turn to God? Give one example to support your response.

Ans. People often turn to God during times of difficulty, despair, or uncertainty.

For example, someone facing a serious illness might pray for healing or strength.


  1. (A) Discuss with your group and justify the title of the poem ‘The Pulley’ in your own words.





Ans. The title “The Pulley” makes sense because it shows how God gives us enough to enjoy life, but also keeps us yearning for something deeper, something that pulls us closer to Him. It’s a clever way to show how God wants us to appreciate His love and not just the things he creates.


(B) Pick out 3 lines that contain Monologues of God.





Ans. Three lines that contain monologue of God are-

“Let us (said He) “pour on him all we can:”

“For if I should (said He) / Bestow this jewel also on my creature,”

“Yet let him keep the rest, / But keep them with repining restlessness:”


  1. (A) Pick out two lines that contain the following figures of speech.


(a) Antithesis 1.
(b) Alliteration 1. 
(c) Inversion 1. 



(a) Antithesis 1. Let the worlds riches, which dispersed lie,

Contract into a span.

2. Let him be rich and weary
(b) Alliteration 1. But keep them with repining restlessness
2. So strength first made a way
(c) Inversion 1. When God at first made Man
2. So both should losers be

(B) Explain the Figures of Speech in the following lines.

(a) Rest in the bottom lay-PUN because

(b) Bestow this jewel also on my creature-METAPHOR because

(c) And rest in nature, not the God of Nature-REPETITION because



(a) Rest in the bottom lay-PUN because ‘rest’ implies to be at rest and also, the other remaining qualities. 

(b) Bestow this jewel also on my creature-METAPHOR because the jewel figuratively represents the precious and valuable gift of true peace. The comparison between “rest” and a “jewel” helps us understand how important this gift is.

(c) And rest in nature, not the God of Nature-REPETITION because the word ‘Nature’ is repeated for emphasis.

  1. Write Critical Appreciation of the poem in a paragraph format.

Ans. The poem “The Pulley” by George Herbert has a deep meaning. The title itself is interesting because a pulley is used for lifting things, and the poem talks about how God gives us blessings but keeps true peace hidden.


The poem uses a simple rhyme scheme (a-b-a-b-a) in each stanza, making it easy to remember. The main idea is that God gives us a bunch of good qualities, but keeps true happiness separate because if He gave us everything, we might forget about Him. 


It’s a metaphysical poem, which means it deals with philosophical ideas about life and God. The language is simple but there’s a hidden message about appreciating who gives us all the good things in life.


Overall, I like this poem because it reminds me that true happiness comes from something deeper. Even though it’s a religious poem, the message about appreciating what you have and where it comes from is something everyone can relate to.


  1. ‘Pun’ can be defined as play on words based on their different meanings. Example : ‘Writing with a broken pencil is pointless.’ In this poem there is an example of Pun. Find and make a sentence of your own. Share a joke with the class where the use of ‘Pun’ creates humour. 

Ans. Joke- Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired.

Tired- exhausted

(Two) Tired- two wheels


  1. Write a paragraph on the points in each block given below to get a summary on each

of the four stanzas of the poem.











Stanza 1: When God created us humans, his best creation ever, he had a glass of blessings. He thought he would be generous and shower all the nicest qualities upon humans.

Stanza 2: The first gift God gave man was strength, then beauty, then wisdom, honour and pleasure. When nearly all the gifts had been bestowed on man, the God stopped. He noticed that of all the treasures, only one gift remained at the bottom of the glass. This one special gift he holds back is true peace, the kind that makes your soul happy.

Stanza 3: If God gives us everything, including true peace, we might get so caught up enjoying these gifts that we forget about who gave them to us in the first place – God. 

Stanza 4: That’s why God keeps us a little unsatisfied with just the temporary happiness from these gifts. It’s almost like a pulley system. These other good things act as a weight on one side, reminding us that there’s something more we’re missing. This might make us look up and realize that true happiness comes from God, the one who gave us everything else. So, in a way, God uses these gifts to pull us closer to Him.




Maharashtra State Board Class 10 English Kumarbharti Chapter The Pulley Extra Questions


Multiple Choice Questions


  1. What does the “glass of blessings” symbolize in the first stanza?

a) God’s physical appearance

b) The vast amount of gifts God has for humanity

c) A container holding a single blessing

d) A symbol of human desire


  1. Why does God withhold the gift of “Rest”?

a) Because humans don’t deserve it

b) Because it is the most powerful gift

c) So humans won’t focus on the gifts instead of God

d) Because it is a test of faith


  1. What is the order in which God bestows his gifts?

a) Wisdom, beauty, strength, honor, pleasure

b) Strength, beauty, wisdom, honor, pleasure

c) Pleasure, honor, wisdom, beauty, strength

d) The order is not specified


  1. What does the word “creature” refer to in the line? 

For if I should (said He) 

Bestow this jewel also on my creature

a) All living things

b) Humanity

c) Angels

d) Nature


  1. What is the likely outcome of human weariness, according to the poem?

If goodness lead him not, yet weariness 

May toss him to my breast.

a) It will lead to more wealth.

b) It will drive humans to seek comfort in God.

c) It will make humans forget about God.

d) It will bring humans only temporary peace.


  1. What is the main theme of the poem?

a) The importance of material possessions

b) The dangers of seeking beauty and pleasure

c) The relationship between God and humanity

d) The fleeting nature of earthly treasures


  1. What is the significance of the line “When almost all was out, God made a stay”?

a) It shows God’s hesitation in creating humans.

b) It emphasizes the abundance of God’s gifts.

c) It highlights the importance of the withheld gift.

d) It suggests God is running out of blessings.


  1. Who is the author of the poem?

a) George Herbert

b) George Eliot

c) George Bernard Shaw

d) George Orwell


  1. What is the nature of the poem?

a) Metaphysical

b) Religious Allegory

c) Reflective

d) All of the above


  1. What is the tone of the poem?

a) Angry and judgmental

b) Lighthearted and humorous

c) Thoughtful and reflective

d) Sarcastic and critical



  1. b) The vast amount of gifts God has for humanity
  2. c) So humans won’t focus on the gifts instead of God
  3. b) Strength, beauty, wisdom, honor, pleasure
  4. b) Humanity
  5. b) It will drive humans to seek comfort in God.
  6. c) The relationship between God and humanity
  7. c) It highlights the importance of the withheld gift.
  8. a) George Herbert
  9. d) All of the above
  10. c) Thoughtful and reflective




Vocabulary Based MCQs


Choose the answer that best fits the meaning of the underlined word.


  1. “Let the worlds riches, which dispersed lie”

In the context of the poem, what does “dispersed” most likely mean?

a) Organized neatly

b) Scattered or spread out

c) Gathered together

d) Broken into pieces


  1. Contract into a span.”

What is the closest synonym for “contract” as used in the poem?

a) Expand

b) Concentrate

c) Separate

d) Explain


  1. When almost all was out, God made a stay”

What does “stay” mean in this line?

a) Pause or stop

b) Continue

c) Decide

d) Wonder


  1. Perceiving that alone of all His treasures”

Which word best replaces “perceiving” without changing the meaning?

a) Ignoring

b) Doubting

c) Hiding

d) Noticing 


  1. “Bestow this jewel also on my creature”

The word “jewel” is used as a metaphor. What does it represent?

a) Something common

b) Something valuable and precious

c) Something dangerous

d) Something temporary


Instructions: Choose the word that has the opposite meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.

  1. “He would adore my gifts instead of me”

a) Despise

b) Dislike

c) Reject

d) Scorn


7.”Let him be rich and weary”

a) Tired

b) Enthusiastic  

c) Hopeful

d) Lethargic


8.Contract into a span.

a) small space

b) hollow space

c) large space

d) uneven space


  1. But keep them with repining restlessness”

a) Discontent

b) Agitation

c) Frustration

d) Contentment


  1. “So strength first made a way”

a) Power

b) Capability

c) Might

d) Weakness


  1. b) Scattered or spread out
  2. b) Concentrate
  3. a) Pause or stop
  4. d) Noticing 
  5. b) Something valuable and precious
  6. a) Despise
  7. b) Enthusiastic  
  8. c) large space
  9. d) Contentment
  10. d) Weakness

